It’s downtime here. I’ve finished exams at university for this semester and there really is nothing left here to do. There are so few people to talk to. It does make me wonder sometimes if any of my future plans are worth the hassle if it means living a lonely life.
Will my future career ever get started? Will I meet new people? What of my old friends?
Sometimes I wish there were more answers in my life.
In my life it’s never plain sailing. I can’t be sure that things will work out how I’d like them to. Can anyone? I sometimes feel like other people have things planned out and know how things will work. Maybe I’m the one who’s stupid trying to hold on to who and what I hold dearest. At the same time I know that I am who I am because of those I meet and those I keep close to me. Anything else and I probably wouldn’t be writing this.
Like a cake with no yeast or raising agent, I would be flat with out the support of my dearest friends. Like a tree in a gale, I would fall to the ground if they were swept from my life.
Yet here comes the rain, nourishing the ground and the plant that grow in it…I have much to see still.
PW )O(