
WordPress suggests this quote as a starting point: Italo Calvino said: The more enlightened and prosperous our houses are, the more their walls ooze ghosts.
I’m not someone who usually looks for packaged inspiration, but Calvino has always caught my interest for what he wrote and how. I’m not a fan, but I do see why so many enjoy his work. In some of his most famous books he describes tormented souls and their struggle for identity, growth and individuality. Some lose themselves entirely and some only half-succeed.

That aside, this quote is interesting to say the least.
Why should a more advanced society have more problems with spectres and hidden ghosts?

Our lives are made easier in an advanced society, by technology, by having enough money to live without problems…

And yet there will always be someone who will seek some sort of profit from your benefit and will ensure that your dreams are tormented by something unpleasant. The quote continues: The dreams of progress and rationality are visited by nightmares.

Nothing in this world is for free. Hidden costs are always present in everything you do, everything you buy, everything you aspire to be. We can live with this and accept that we will always be slaves to something or someone, we can fight against it and seek the same benefit minus the unpleasantries or we can simply accept that life was better when we had to work for everything.

Work, hardship and perseverance have always brought rewards that were far greater than the effort put in. Now? You go on Internet, click the Amazon or Ebay bookmark in your browser and buy whatever you think you need. Repair your clothes? Why?! I can buy a new shirt or a new pair of jeans in half the time it takes to sew a button back on. There’s no satisfaction in going out to the shops and choosing what you want, no sense of achievement in bringing back to working life your favourite jeans or your best leather jacket, no pride in what you do…

And this all upsets and unsettles me. I don’t like the world we live in as it is becoming. It’s wrong, unhealthy, impure. There’s no connection with anything or anyone now. Nature is destroyed bit by bit, byte by byte. Nothing seems to work as it should in my mind. It shouldn’t be like this.

PW )O(